Tuesday, October 20, 2009

City of Secrets, Mysterious Portals

G e r o n a's

Mysterious Portals

(synopsis of Coast to Coast broadcast 2-8-09)

Author and playwright Patrice Chaplin revealed the story of the ancient, mystical city of Gerona, Spain and its connections to secret portals. She met Jose Tarres, the custodian of a private society, and learned that Berenger Sauniere, the mysterious priest of Rennes-le-Chateau traveled frequently to Gerona and left scrolls there. The understanding and usage of the portals also relates to Kabbalistic thought from the Middle Ages, she said.

The custodians of the portals have closely guarded their secrets down through the ages, Chaplin commented. Initiates go through a ritual to access the portals, which are in a number of different locations. The portals are "an energy point where time and space change." The highly transformative experience can take a person to different time periods and states of mind, she explained.

Chaplin herself went through one of the portals and described it as being like a "fairground ride," where you suddenly stopped somewhere. The five minute experience felt like days to her. Salvador Dali was also said to be knowledgeable about Gerona and the portals, and his surreal works such as The Railway Station at Perpignan may have been inspired by them.

City of Secrets by Patrice Chaplin